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The Native Tree Collection

Learn more about some of the native trees that grow in our park

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Acer leucoderme

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Amelanchier arborea

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Carpinus caroliniana

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Chionanthus virginicus

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Halesia carolina

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Prunus serotina

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Taxodium distichum

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Acer leucoderme

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Taxodium distichum

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Taxodium distichum

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Magnolia macrophylla

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Aesculus glabra

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Aesculus glabra

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Carpinus caroliniana

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Chionanthus virginicus

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Pinus palustris

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Magnolia grandiflora

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Fraxinus americana

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Prunus serotina

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Cladrastis kentukea

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Cladrastis kentukea

More information on The McFarlane Park Native Tree Collection

Cladrastis kentukea